Little Collier, the early days for the Reluctant Gorilla

MARSocial Author Business Enhancement History Post

coral snake

Collier was a wild kid, but he cut his teeth poaching gators as a toddler. He quickly learned staying in the truck was safe until the gators flopped in the back of his Grandpa’s Jeep with him. They were shot in the head, but still a little squirmy. Collier and his namesake (Grandpa Collier) eased around the woods everyday and when tasty game appeared his Grandpa would pull the .22 mag Winchester pump(model 61) from the homemade gun rack (two guava crotch branches whittled into gun holders then screwed to the dash) and harvest them regardless of the season. Little Collier was born to ease around the woods totally ignoring the law and it is his nature. Tasty was the law they followed.

When Collier was six he had pajamas with footsies and his Mama had a tough time getting him dressed in the morning. That boy was outside…

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